We have been developing innovative additives for the construction of traffic areas for years. While the initial focus was on classic soil stabilization, interest in sustainable solutions for the renovation of existing traffic areas and the construction of new ones is increasing year by year.
We take this into account with the recipes of the new NT BASE® additives. We are committed to sustainability. This particularly applies to resource conservation, which our construction method promotes.
corent AG has been dealing with innovations in various materials since its beginnings, and since 2018 it has focused on the development of additives for the construction of traffic areas. The company is based in Munich, Germany.
In cooperation with the Fraunhofer Society, and its Institute for Building Physics, we have determined the environmental friendliness of the NT BASE® additives. The latest products NT BASE® 4.0 and 5.0 were developed and patented in co-operation with siniac GmbH. The siniac GmbH is a renowned laboratory in the field of sustainable innovations in applied chemistry. In addition, European approval (ETA) is available for our products.
The siniac GmbH develops sustainable chemical-technical product solutions as part of the transformation to climate neutrality. It is concerned with promoting less energy usage, applying more renewable resources, and aiming for higher-quality solutions. Increased quality in infrastructure, such as traffic areas, means a longer service life and possible cost reductions in the life cycle. As part of a close research and development cooperation siniac GmbH has been co-operating with corent AG on joint research and development for years.
Dr. Wolfgang Klauck, CEO, siniac GmbH, Viersen/Germany
Public and private clients have different requirements with regard to the tendering and realisation of their projects. In addition to specified formalisms, the technically relevant boundary conditions must always be taken into account.
corent AG will be happy to support you with any questions you may have in order to find the right solution for you.
We look forward to your enquiry!
corent AG
Dr.-Max-Straße 8
82031 Grünwald, Munich